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VSCode 단축키 정리 본문


VSCode 단축키 정리

ji.o.n.e 2021. 5. 12. 23:30
  • Command Palette: shift + command + P
  • Quick Open (해당하는 파일 빠르게 검색 및 이동 가능): command + P
  • User Settings: command + ,
  • Toggle Sidebar: command + B
  • Toggle Terminal: control + `
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: command + K + S
  • Beginning/End of file: command + up/down
  • Beginning/End of line: command + left/right
  • Move Word: option + left/right
  • Select Word: option + shift + left/right
  • Copy Line: command + C
  • Cut Line: command + X
  • Move line down/up: option + down/up
  • Copy line down/up: shift + option + down/up
  •  Insert line below: command + Enter
  • Multi Selection: command + D
  • Undo last Cursor: command + U
  • Insert cursor: option + click
  • Column (box) selection: shift + option + drag mouse
  • Current Selection: shift + option + I

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